Thrown Weapon Training

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Thrown Weapon Training
Skill Tree:Combat Skills
Skill Point Cost:2
Brief Description:Use standard thrown weapons. Deal 1 damage with thrown weapons.

Thrown Weapon Training

Your character may use standard thrown weapons. You inflict one damage when attacking with a thrown weapon.

Related Rules

Thrown Weapon Rules

A thrown weapon is any weapon designed to primarily be thrown and are required to look like weapons (no throwing rocks). You may not fight in melee with most thrown weapons. Throwing weapons that contain a core can be used as a melee weapon. When used this way they follow all the rules for a melee weapon.

Thrown weapons are further divided into three subcategories based on length:

  • A standard throwing weapon is one greater than 6 and less than or equal to 30 inches.
  • A javelin is a throwing weapon greater than 30 and less than or equal to 45 inches.
  • A great javelin is a throwing weapon greater than 45 inches and less than or equal to 84 inches.

The damage a character deals with any thrown weapon starts at 1. This can be increased by skills, and sometimes other effects that increase thrown weapon damage. Thrown weapons have a natural cap on how much damage they can deal. Great javelins may deal a characters melee damage instead of thrown damage.

Using throwing weapons:

melee training to use.

Thrown weapon damage has a cap of 2.

Related Prop Guidelines

Mundane Thrown Weapons

Props for weapons have certain requirements to be used in play. If a weapon is rejected for not being safe but is found still being used it may be summarily destroyed to ensure an unsafe weapon is not brought onto the field.

No weapons may have visible duct tape on them. Cloth covered weapons, a standard in some other larps is also not permitted.

Thrown weapons must be completely padded including the hilt and rip. Each thrown weapon must look like a weapon, either knives, axes, or some other historical or fantasy weapon. No "throwing" rocks, disks, or paddles are allowed. A thrown weapon doesn’t have to have a core, but if it does have a core the core cannot go within 1 inch (2.54cm) of either end of the weapon. Cored throwing weapons may also be used in melee. Coreless throwing weapons may not be used in melee.

A standard throwing weapon is one greater than 6 and less than or equal to 30 inches. A standard sized throwing weapon must weigh no more than 6 ounces.

A javelin is a throwing weapon greater than 30 and less than or equal to 45 inches. A javelin must weigh no more than 12 ounces (340.2g).

A great javelin is a throwing weapon greater than 45 inches and less than or equal to 84 inches. A great javelin must weigh no more than 24 ounces (680.4g).

For all varieties of javelin both ends must be at least 2 inches (5.08) in diameter. Players are encouraged to incorporate some open-cell foam into the ends of their javelin designs.

Categories: PC Creation | Skills | Combat Skills

Page last modified on November 19, 2019, at 11:58 PM
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