
See also page [[Terminology|+]] to have a common usage within this translation.

The first table lists the equivalents of the English and the translated documentation pages, to help keeping track of which pages need to be translated or updated, and which have been completed.

This table is based on Localization.StateOfTranslationTemplate of May 15th, 2010.
It is verified with the PmWiki documentation of distribution v2.2.16.


第一栏(Work)为翻译状态。 大家可以根据翻译状态来协同翻译,翻译完成请填写C,翻译中请填写D:

  • 空白(blanco):表示待翻译(Translated entirely)
  • D : Draft : 表示翻译中(translation ongoing)
  • C : 表示翻译完成(translation Completed)
  • M : Modify : 表示需要更新(update needed)
  • -- : 表示不再需要翻译(no need to translate) 详见:PITS:01147


  • U : 使用者/作者(User/author)文件,针对Wiki使用者或协作者的说明文件;
  • A : 管理(Admin)用文件,某些系统管理工作可用维基页面完成;
  • S : 系统(System)文件,针对需要使用FTP存取权限的系统管理工作;
  • D : 开发(Developement)文件,针对PmWiki开发者的文件;

Important Notes:

  • Please keep for the PmWiki documentation set, the page name of a translated page the same as the original. This way translated pages are linked via the "I18n Footer" page and we can give support to PmWiki users that are not so lucky with installations that only can work with ASCII file names.
  • The localized name can still be provided by adding a (:title LocalizedPageName:) directive in the page, and by adding "|+" at the end in the links to these pages. (see for more information Links(en))
  • Following pages with redirects can safely be deleted for new PmWiki installations. They are only there to not break upgrades: Basic Editing China?, Editing, Images China?, State Of Translation Template, Wiki Styles China?
  • Page Sh18? can safely be deleted for new and existing PmWiki installations. It is a profile page that will be moved when UTF-8 support for profile pages is available.
  • All pages with Chinese page names can safely be dropped for new PmWiki installations that only can work with ASCII file names. They contain tests and extra information on working with Chinese pages. Process is ongoing to move these pages to the standard PmWiki documentation.
C?PmWiki:Download下载not in distribution, original secured page
CSSite.EditQuickReferenceEditQuickReferenceDefine also link to translated page in XLPage underneath 'Page Locations' for entry '{$SiteGroup}.EditQuickReference'
 SSite.PageNotFoundPageNotFoundDefine also link to translated page in XLPage underneath 'Page Locations' for entry '{$SiteGroup}.PageNotFound'
--SPmWiki.PerGroupCustomizations redirects to PmWiki.GroupCustomizations
M?PmWiki:Questions常见问题not in distribution, to ask questions in local language
 UPmWiki.RecentChangesRecentChangesAutogenerated. Define also translation in XLPage underneath 'PageTitle/LinkText technical pages' for entry 'RecentChanges'
DSSite.Search站内搜索Define also link to translated page in XLPage underneath 'Page Locations' for entry '{$SiteGroup}/Search'
C?Site.SideBarSideBarShall have the same page name while translated (no entry in XLPage underneath 'Page Locations')
 SSite.UploadQuickReferenceUploadQuickReferenceDefine also link to translated page in XLPage underneath 'Page Locations' for entry '{$SiteGroup}.UploadQuickReference'
 UPmWiki:WebHosts not in distribution
--?PmWiki.WikiGroups redirects to PmWiki.WikiGroup
DUMain.WikiSandboxWiki Sandbox 
--UPmWiki.WikiSandbox redirects to Main.WikiSandbox
MUPmWiki.WikiWikiWebWiki Wiki Web 
--UPmWiki.WikiWords redirects to PmWiki.WikiWord
DALocalization.XLPageTemplateXLPagenot in distribution
 SLocalization.SampleConfigFileLocalization not in distribution
DULocalization.StateOfTranslationTemplate翻译进度not in distribution
 SLocalization.TerminologyTemplateTerminologynot in distribution

Page last modified on September 03, 2013, at 08:20 PM
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